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Clients of Nagesh Eco Ventures

Nagesh Eco Ventures well-known companies & Clients

Sr.Companies NameCompany Represented by
1Microsoft TeamTeam Represented by Mr. Gerard consisting of 60 people.
2TATA TeleServicesTeam Represented by Ashish Chandra Consisting or a total No. of 35 people
3CIPLATeam Represented by Represented by Rajkumar Mungarwad Consisting of a total No. of 45 people
4SIEMENSTeam Represented by Represented by Mr. Kamat Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
5Oil & Natural Gas CommissionTeam Represented by represented by Dy. Superintendent Engineer Mr. H.R. Pradeep Consistiri- of a total No. of 13 people
6Airport Authority of IndiaTeam Represented by Senior Manager Air Traffic Control Jose Thomas Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
7RatiopharmTeam Represented by Sanjay Pandit Manager HR Administration Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
8WALLACETeam Represented by Mario Dos Ntilagres Miranda Asst. Production Manager Consisting of a total No. of 10 people
9FIDELITY INDIATeam Represented by Director Sangan Gowda Dhawalgi Consisting of a total No. of 20 people
10Crompton Greaves Ltd.Team Represented by Senior Manager Designer Mayur Nadkarni Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
11MaclellanTeam Represented by Represented by Faculty Manager S.K. Katti Consisting of a total No. of 40 people
12Chowgule Industries Limited Team Represented by Sujay Rao Manager Human Resources Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
13DIGILINKTeam Represented by Mr. Rajesh Prabhudesai Consisting of a total No. of 45 people
14ZUARITeam Represented by Dr. Varun G. Prabhudessai & Group Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
15Director of Art & CultureTeam Represented by Assist. Director of Ashok V. Prabhu Consisting of a total. No. of 35 people
16Goa Konkani AcademyTeam Represented by Represented by N. Shivdas Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
17Taj Hotel Resorts & PalacesTeam Represented by Vivek Jhunjhunwala (Financial controller Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
18Indian NavyTeam Represented by Commander B. Suresh N.M Chief Staff Officer Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
19Ministry of Communication & InformationTechnologyTeam Represented by J.J. R. Anand Consisting of a total No. of 38 people
20LICTeach Represented by Represented by Joel Cardozo Development officer Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
21Dept. of Information & TechnologyTeam Represented by Dy. Director Praveen R. Volvoikar Consisting of a total No. of 14 people
22Syngenta IITeam Represented by A. Narendren Nair Vice Present & HR Administration Consisting of a total No. of 40 people
23,MPTTeam Represented by Assistance Secretary PR Vasudev B. Karpe Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
24LokmatTeam Represented by G.M. Sandeep Vishnoi Consisting of a total No. of 10 people
25Incredible IndiaTeam Represented by Jaydeep Thombare Asst. Director Consisting of a total No. of 8 people
26Dy. Collector office Margao & Mamlatdar of SalceteTeam Represented by Represented by G.P. Naik Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
27CELL TOUCHConsisting of a total No. of 45 people
28World Malayalee CouncilTeam Represented by Represents.. by Susan Joseph Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
29Freedom HolidayTeam Represented by Martin Joseph Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
30Axis BankTeam Represented by Hemant Goesia Consisting of a total No. of 18 people
31Incredible IndiaTeam Represented by represented by Dr. Ratikanta Patnaik Consisting of a total No. of 12 people
32C.D. ConstructionsConsisting of a total No. of 25 people
33Ambica Kuttir YogaKendraConsisting of a total No. of 35 people
34Glenmark GenericsLtd.Team Represented by General Manager quality Nitin Tiwari
35Chowgule Industries LimitedTeam Represented by S Team Represented by Sujay Rao Manager Human Resources Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
36Yusuf Bin AhmedKanoo LLC Saudi ArabiaTeam Represented by Represented by Assist. Quality Manager Oil& Gas Division Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
37The Madgaum Urban Co-operative bankTeam Represented by Represented by Ramak-ant Angle Consisting of a total No. of 10 people
38SBI Margao BranchTeam Represented by Represented by G.M. Kishore Bawse Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
39Gujarati SamajConsisting of a total No. or 105 people
40Sindhi SamajConsisting of a total No. of 70 people
41Punjabi SamajConsisting of a total No. of 72 people
42Mahila Mandal VascoConsisting of a total No. of 38 people
43PyroElectric InstrumentsTeam Represented by Anand Kulkarni (G.M) Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
 44K. Ashok KumarTeam Represented by K.Ashok Kumar (Member Secretary N.P, D.A) Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
45Wyeth LimitedTeam Represented by P.Jaykumar (Field Manager) Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
46Varma & Varma Chartered AccountantsTeam Represented by Vijay Govind Consisting of a total No. of 24 people
47AbbotTeam Represented by ManojManjrekar (Manager Accounts) Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
48Hetero Labs LimitedTeam Represented by S. Bhagavan (Dy General Manager) Consisting of a total No. of 28 people
49Digicom Services Consisting of a total No. of 40 people
50Corporation BankTeam Represented by Vishwas Rahegaokar Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
51Sai ServiceTeam Represented by Shivanand Sakhalkar Consisting of a total No. of 100 people
52Dr. Dilip Kulkarni Orthopaedic SurgeonConsisting of a total No. of 35 people
53Power GenerationTeam Represented by Pravin Borole Consisting of a total No. of 25 people
54Andrew CommunicationsTeam Represented by Avinash Bhambra Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
55Birla FurukawaTeam Represented by Swapnil Pateria General Manager Consisting of a total No. of 30 people
56PMC PROJECTSTeam Represented by Bhasker Tiwari Dy. GeneralManager Consisting of a total No. of 15 people
57Maharastra Nav Nirman SenaTeam Represented by Raj ShirodkarConsisting of a total No. of 15 people
58Berger PaintsTeam Represented by A. Surlakar Asst ManagerConsisting of a total No. of 25 people
59Zuari Industries Ltd.Team Represented by S.Y. Amonkar Sr. Manager Consisfin• of a total No. of 30 *eo•le
60Indian Navy, KarwarTeam Represented by Preeti Sherawat Consisting of a total No. of 200 people
61COLORCON Asia Pvt. Ltd.Team Represented by Head H.R. Surabhi Mittal Consisting of a total No. of 35 people
62Sanofi AventisTeam Represented by Manager Human Resources & Administration by Durguesh Angle Consisting of a total No. of 39 people